weLcome! this is a BRAND NEW blog to cover the PONTIAC
"mOtoRaTi giRLz" from it's very beginings, to where we are going!!!
PONTIAC corp. has created on SECOND LIFE, (an online virtual world) a wonderful place called "MOTORATI" which is an entire "land" dedicated to celebrating car culture. this includes car races, car buying, car themed clubs, amusement parks, amazing race tracks, and a venue for concerts and more...
"mOtoRaTi giRLz" was the brain child of Second Life Designer "caLLie cLine" and will be a venture to engage women in taking part in the exciting car culture. the
"mOtoRaTi giRLz" will participate in various ways, from fashion events, charity events, racing, to the "checkered flag gaLs" who will open races, concerts, and more.
this site will follow the
"mOtoRaTi giRLz" from the begining... the "build", on through the "fashion", the "fun" and more...
stay tuned for frequent updates as caLLie cLine and team, work to make this exciting new venture come into being... we'd love your input, comments, and look forward to meeting you...
stay tuned for how YOU can apply to be an official
"mOtoRaTi giRL".
this is the begining of a fantastic journey, hope you'll join us.
ride on!
caLLie cLine & the "mOtoRaTi giRLz" team
located on the "RIDE" sim