Wednesday, January 31, 2007

••••••you'LL LOVE our FIRST caLendar girL!!!!••••••

I am thrilled to announce on the behalf of "motorati girLz" that our very first EVER "motorati caLendar girL", the lovely, gracious, talented and wonderful, "Ally Geer".

Ally was my "construction" partner from the beginning and who knew under all that grit, grime, dirt and mess was this amazingly gorgeous girl???? I DID!!! hehe, and so did everyone who knows her. She's not only beautiful, she's a wonderful person, and I am more than honored to announce her as a represetative for "motorati girlz" and "caLLie cLine".

You can pick up this exclusive caLendar at the Motorati GirLz building on the Ride sim. Make sure to stop by the Pontiac Dealership and test drive the Solstice car that I blogged previously... it's such a GREAT car and so much fun to drive!!!

Stay tuned for MORE "mOtoRaTi giRLz" news coming soon, including introductions of more m-girLz and and m-girLz search, and more exciting news!!!



*Ally is also an "Aspire" model, SL's top modeling agency, and publisher of "Aspire" fashion magazine.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

test driving is FUN

OMG, the new pontiac solstice GXP ROCKS!!! me and kiana, my sister and partner went car shopping on the motorati sim.
after looking at LOTS of cars... we decided on the new solstice GXP from pontiac... it's FAST, customizable, and a hoot to drive! i got up to 90 MPH before going off roading!!!

hehe... it was so much fun...

and they are so affordable too! only 600L, and its like getting a ton of cars with all the color, wheel changes, etc.

hehe, hope to see ya soon!

